She saved him from her 🤣

    by aliengirl666


    1. joeexoticlizardman on

      Hm one of my best friends is a girl that I would never even consider dating, essentially look at her as a sister at this point. Do people just assume that any non dating boy/girl friend pairing at a bar is a friend zone thing if they’re both single?

      Sometimes people are just better as friends, but would be a bad match as partners.

    2. I’ve seen a lot of clips lately of comedy shows basically being about riffing on the audience. Is that the new norm for new comedians? I assume there’s still written jokes, right?

    3. Why is everyone laughing? Am I the only one who didn’t get the joke? It was just a normal conversation 😭

    4. I thought OP was going to really double down and just ask for his number just to stick it to the girl.

      “You met on bumble, known each other for a few months, haven’t fucked, and came to a show together…but are not together??? Hey dude, can I have your number?” *crowd roars and OP laughs without actually taking the number*

    5. Natalie should provide this as a service.

      “Get your VIP package at my show for an extra $500, I’ll set your friend straight with the truth”

      I know a few dudes that could use this.

    6. While watching comedians here on Reddit I’ve learn: Never sit near the front row.
      And come on met on bumble, you know someone is trying to fuck, I don’t care if it has a “friends” setting.

    7. Hot take: crowd-work is the laziest form of comedy. Some comedians do it well, but most of the stuff I see that pops up on the internet is boring.

    8. Wow that will go down for the worst date in history for that guy. The comedian knows she should stop and turn away but she can’t, she has to know lol

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