Damn, how much money flows from the Trump campaign into her channel?

    by raideninvest


    1. Couldn’t finish watching this, felt my brain starting to melt hearing her throw up through her mouth and gesturing like crazy. Someone get her some help fast!

      How can anyone that isn’t being paid millions publicly state “oh I love him so much, he is the greatest and funniest comedian bla bla bla” about a degenerate pedophile criminal??

    2. Nope, just lacking any conscience or straight up evil. Regurgitating opinions approved by fracking billionaire bosses will make you seem psychotic, though.

    3. AVery-Creative-Name on

      Daily reminder that all of these far right grifters got rejected from Hollywood and are still upset about it to this day.

    4. Afaik Kamala was fact checked (but it was afterwards i think) and got one thing wrong (trump got 33 things wrong). Trump did not had the worst economic performance since the great depression (as she claimed). He had the third worst.

      And as a European: yes the femal version of Ben is braindead.

    5. Not a penny, the money is coming from Russia.

      What do you expect, social media people are vultures for clout and clicks. They would all sell their own mother into sex slavery if it meant they got re-tweeted somewhere.

    6. I always thought the comments section brought out the worst in people

      Didn’t expect it to be taken so literally though

    7. Can we actually get the video to judge for ourselves instead of circle jerk? I’m all about hating on Trump but I want to be informed.

    8. wanna_escape_123 on

      Why does ***”since ABC wouldn’t”*** even mean ? Don’t they have fox news to do it ? Or is fox news propaganda not believable enough now ?

    9. Didnt CNN fact check both candidates? But why bother with such minor details when you can just use clickbait titles instead.

    10. TrickyTicket9400 on

      >Reporter: “**The neo-Nazis started this.** They showed up in Charlottesville to protest –”

      >Trump: “Excuse me, excuse me. **They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group,** but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. 

      It’s so clear. Why do people bend over backwards to support this racist asshole?

    11. The_real_bandito on

      The money is not coming from the Trump campaign.

      It’s coming from some country but the not the Trump campaign. Each and every cent is going to the Trumps pocket, specially Donald.

    12. Immediate-Season-293 on

      Best case scenario, she discovered she could make more money by simping to the right.

      Simping is the wrong word, but it kind of works and hopefully someone will remind my old brain what the correct word is.

    13. Realistic_Mushroom72 on

      Well most of them are seeing their “Dreams and Hopes” go down in flames, in her case live while she “fact check” kamala Harris, because there was no way a single person could fact check Trump with the flood of lies coming out of his mouth every other sentence.

    14. Thehairy-viking on

      Ah yes, some regular moron googling shit, “doing their own research,” while calling it fact checking. Let me guess, she’s getting all of her “facts” from Twitter and truth social. Why can’t these people just stfu and go away.

    15. She is chasing a paycheck, because there’s a market for telling stupid, terrified people what they want to hear.

    16. I don’t know man they think that ABC checking literal insanity spewing out of one candidate is some sort of favouritism.

    17. This is the person who has the most garbage clicbait titles I’ve ever seen, a commentary channel which uses a few examples of people to brand a whole group.

    18. She is experiencing psychosis, she’s still on the couch in that mushroom trip, she never left, we’re all part of her hallucinations and illusions of grandeur.

    19. aboysmokingintherain on

      No, she’s being paid to do this. Idk what her beliefs are and maybe only she does, but her persona is to hate the mainstream media and hate Kamala so that’s what she’s doing.

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