The kid was like, ‘And now, for my grand finale…’

    by zrirek05


    1. Letting him do this in the first place, and laughing it off when he decides to point it at a person is mind-boggling.

      The kid needs to learn how to handle firework safely or he’ll end up being another person that blows their hand/face off on the 4th of July in the future.

    2. I’ve seen these roman candles misfire before and have some of the fireballs shoot out the bottom. First few come out ok and suddenly starts shooting from the other end.

    3. AUGUSTIJNcomics on

      I’m always baffled by North American firework safety. Here in the Netherlands we were told that if you even think of lighting a firecracker without a 2m distance, you’re toast.

    4. My uncle has his hand blown off by a Roman candle that essentially backfired. We don’t fuck around with them in our family anymore. Lol

    5. BallisticEskimo on

      This is not the point of the video, but someone laughing in a background sounds so much like a turkey it is distracting.

    6. Y’all this is redneck backyard bbq behavior 101. It’d be rude NOT to do something incredibly stupid with a Roman candle.

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