The Spice Girls smoking backstage, 1997

    by Low_Discipline_4488


    1. Whenever I think of the 90’s I think of how smoking was still so “normal”. I think of about ’96 playing in the McDonalds play pit w/my friends and you walked in past the smoking section which was less than 10 ft away from the nonsmoking section (think about that).

      I doubt these women are still smokers as the health risks are WELL known….but what drove it home for me was a family member dying from it. That was that ultimate “OH, OK, I won’t do that!” moment as the widow was so…hurt.

      If it was known the Spice Girls were smokers I’m sure many my age and above would have thought it was cool as hell as these girls looked cool. That’s how it goes!

    2. It looks like only Scary has a lit Cig. Combined with the schoolgirl outfits, looks like a shoot. Still cool though.

    3. “Viva (you just took a minute off all yalls’)Forever”

      Not pictured: sporty, out doing sporty things.

    4. Mel C is taking the picture. “In 27 years, you’ll look back at this and see how dumb you all look.” That said, it’s a difficult dependence to overcome, and I don’t judge anyone who still smokes.

    5. I remember by 10th birthday and my parents saved up to go for a meal out and all I can remember is the hacking cough of the group of people behind me. I’m glad it’s on the way out.

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