Killmonger Was Right

    by Zetice


    1. Don’t worry, until Africans have a safe place to display artifacts, they’ll hold onto it in a storage unit in the UK. You know, for safe keeping

    2. Physically standing in the British Museum for the first time is actually crazy. Jokes are jokes and memes are memes and we all know what’s what in theory,

      But when you actually physically enter the space it’s like “holy hell, actually though, give this shit back immediately.”

    3. charlrshall1992 on

      They won’t even give stuff back to Italy and Greece, nations they’re in a military alliance with. I wouldn’t be surprised if that Confederate submarine was actually a decoy and they stole that shit too.

    4. Jst wait united states of America history museum in the year 3000 “on display here we have uhhh i believe to be what the African Americans called shay better? Its believed they would cover their elbows and ankles to prevent ashing”

    5. Tf you mean “pre-1950s” I don’t think you need carbon dating to figure out when and how they got this shit

    6. I have a potentially extremely stupid/ignorant question. So I know the British museum (and all its storage lockers) are full of priceless historical & cultural artifacts that have been stolen through the ages, which they now refuse to return, and that’s super fucked up. This particular image shows hair combs that are less than 100 years old, which is certainly still evidence of colonialist fuckery, but do these items fall under “priceless artifacts that should be returned” or are they two of many? I feel like I’m missing context someone can help with!

    7. ConversationMental78 on

      Welp… looks like Im about to go commit a crime, whose down to ride and get our stuff back? Lol

    8. The funniest instance of this to me is that the British museum took some pillars from Ancient Greece. Which is extra funny when you realize the building in Greece they took the pillars from is still alive and well. That just looted it and you can see the exact location the pillars were taken from. It wasn’t even in ruins!! They just took some pillars to show people.

    9. The British Museum has said they would not consider returning items held in their museum (even those that aren’t on display and haven’t been on display in ages) simply because they want to avoid setting a precedent of having to return even more things.

      So I think, just to make it equal, most of the world should get to go to the UK and just take stuff back to wherever they came from to make their own museums. Imagine if British people had to travel to Kenya to see the Magna Carta, or most of the world’s surviving early copies of Shakespeare’s work were held in various museums in Jamaica or India.

      Just find whatever the British find culturally relevant and ship it out.

    10. Idk man I don’t really see an issue with countries keeping artifacts from others. Years ago we had people keeping other people’s skulls. It’s like, two combs. You can’t find… two more combs?

      I get there’s a lot of other stuff in there that *should* go back, you know, the one-of-a-kind items that can’t be found again. But also, we need to make sure we’re not giving history to people who won’t care for it.

      It’s not that easy as to blanket statement say it all must go

    11. museums should work with the country of origin that piece is from and pay them royalties from tickets. Id rather the countries get reimbursed and a relationship formed from the art pieces to mutual benefit both, rather than the item is returned with no compensation

    12. background_action92 on

      I get the British museum’s role though. Look what happened when isis trashed those statues. I believed they were around 4 to 5000 years old but gone in an instant. My dream is to go there or to America and see them for myself

    13. I hate “British Museum” jokes because they take all the attention away from the other European countries.

    14. Never mind the priceless jewels (that could literally kickstart a small economy)stole during colonial era.

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