This is David McBride, an Australian army lawyer who whistleblowed Australian army’s war crimes in Afghanistan by leaking the documents that proved they killed innocent people there. He was sentenced to almost 6 years in prison this year for this. Soldiers who did those acts have never been jailed.

    by Sami1398



      >McBride’s documents formed the basis of an Australian Broadcasting Corp. seven-part television series in 2017 that contained war crime allegations including Australian Special Air Service Regiment soldiers killing unarmed Afghan men and children in 2013.

      >An Australian military report released in 2020 found evidence that Australian troops unlawfully killed 39 Afghan prisoners, farmers and civilians.

      >Human Rights Watch’s Australia director Daniela Gavshon said McBride’s sentencing was evidence an Australia’s whistleblowing laws needed exemptions in the public interest.

      >“It is a stain on Australia’s reputation that some of its soldiers have been accused of war crimes in Afghanistan, and yet the first person convicted in relation to these crimes is a whistleblower not the abusers,” Gavshon said in a statement.“David McBride’s jail sentence reinforces that whistleblowers are not protected by Australian law. It will create a chilling effect on those taking risks to push for transparency and accountability – cornerstones of democracy,” she added.

    2. Dressbeautybeauty on

      Meanwhile a politician who was identified as a traitor is allowed to walk free without consequences.

    3. Something-2-Say on

      You wanna get away with war crimes and have millions of braindead people defend you, do them to Muslims.

    4. Ambitious_Abroad1204 on

      Remember guys, freedom of speech as long your speech is not making the goverment bad in the eyes of the country

    5. Are Australian political prisonérs kept in the same prison as criminals, or do you have a special facility for enemies of the state?

    6. Treatment of whistleblowers is just horrific. Is there one nation that actually reacted in a good way to a whistle blower?

    7. Actually he deserves Gaol because he leaked sensitive documents. War crime have always been committed by all warring countries and his exposing what is normal warlike behaviour just brings the country into disrepute. You may not like this or agree to it but I am just stating the facts of life.

    8. Whistleblowing often comes with a slight dilemma regarding crimes committed in order to expose the original crime. Like leaking classified military documents. And you can’t just absolve that crime in the name of whistleblowing, because then you’d have disgruntled E3’s dropping classified information Willy nilly and try to claim they were whistleblowing.

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