This special rack for empty cans so people can collect them for deposit money.

    by WrastlingIsReal


    1. Are people doing that or are the cans just ending up somewhere else, possibly on the ground instead?

      My understanding is that you need quite a bit of weight for this to be remotely worth the effort so eight cans seems like a meager offering.

    2. AnnoyedVelociraptor on

      In CA it’s 10 cents per can, 5 per plastic bottle.

      Problem is the that that isn’t enough money for people to care. So they trash the cans.

    3. I’ve watched people dump out trash cans on the streets of Amsterdam just to get to the cans and bottles, leaving everything else on the curb, then walk away. I’m for any ideas that will stop people from doing that.

    4. None of those have deposits on them though?

      Edit: didnt realize this was Europe. In the States cans and bottles have their deposits stamped on and not every state does this. So the plain tabs threw me off.

    5. If you drink in a park in Toronto, and extend your arm out straight to drop an empty can, it will be in an old Chinese lady’s shipping cart before it hits the ground.

    6. Oh I love this. The company I work at has a lot of remote workers that only come to office for a day or two every week and they often come from other cities so they’ve put out a box where people can throw their empty cans and bottles. The company then takes it and gives the collected deposit money to charity.

      But even if they don’t I don’t really mind, I’d rather my company has the money instead of whomever the deposit goes to…

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