Keanu Reeves vs. Chappell Roan

    by boxed_knives


    1. No shade meant towards Chappell btw. I support anybody putting paparazzi in their place. I just thought this was a hilarious juxtaposition 😂

    2. thelastrandomname1 on

      In both instances, they are just repeating what the crowd says.

      I don’t see what you are getting at?

    3. Chappelle Roan comes across my feed randomly. Not familiar with her music but it doesn’t seem like she enjoys being famous.

    4. A bit cherry picked, it’s definitely a lot easier to respond to people shouting that you’re breathtaking than people harassing you

    5. Meanwhile both of them just repeated what was yelled at them. Typical, actors can’t come up with their own lines.

    6. Well this isn’t fair…Pretty much everyone looks like an asshole when compared to Keanu Reeves.

    7. Why is everyone shitting on Chappel for defending herself? Someone yelled “shut the fuck up” so she yelled it back. Better than being a doormat.

    8. GalacticFartLord on

      Did everyone just forget that she’s small town trailer trash? As small town trash myself, I get it. And I love her.

    9. This feels weird. It seems like you’re trying to use Keanu Reeves to make some kind of sexist point

    10. Imaginary_Thing_1009 on

      everything I heard of this lady so far was all negative. is she really such a shitty person or is that some kind of media campaign against her? so far she seems pretty shitty though.

    11. Never, ever take the side of celebrity photographers. They are garbage people, parasites latched to society’s taint and are undeserving of anything other than contempt.

    12. People taking this as “how does the celebrity act” – I was taking it as “how is the celebrity treated”

    13. This isn’t the burn you think it is. It’s quite the opposite.

      Respect is met with respect, disrespect is met with disrespect. They’re simply giving back what someone gave to them. Same with Keanu.

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