I’m sure she didn’t mean you.

    by Knitspin


    1. what a horribly racist thing to say.

      How Howard Dean’s scream derailed his run, yet these guys can just say and do worse and worse things and it’s just ignored and has no negative impact.

    2. sofa-king-hungry on

      Dude, I love curry. That would be amazing to walk into the WH and be fed curry. Thanks for the heads up LL lol.

    3. Gods, Laura…Can’t you guys make up your minds on whether Kamala is black or South Asian? First you make racist black stereotypes, then it’s racist Indian stereotypes…Maybe the stereotypes that white folks on Twitter are a bunch of racist Nazis are a little too accurate?

    4. I refer you to British Asian Tory politicians Priti Patel, Suella Braverman amd Rishi Sunak. Pretty much, “Piss on the fire, Mum. My toast’s done.”

    5. WrongConcentrate4962 on

      He will just make up some dumb comparison about democrats without answering the question.

    6. Wonderful-General626 on

      That’s a terrible thing to say, but also isn’t jd Vance’s wife and children Indian as well?

    7. Vivek’s whole point is to bootlick white people. Laura loomer can say this to his face and he will agree and say what a free land america is, she is allowed to say these, and she is very brave to say that. Unlike those woke liberals who want to censor free speech. At least he is better than black people.

      He is a bootlicking leech. I’m disgusted by the thought that he thinks he is representing us. He’s an opportunist, he can sell himself for a few bucks. Some of us have self respect, some of us believe we’re not beneath anyone.

    8. Pretty racist thing to say/post but I guess that’s the new normal. You know it’s bad when even Marjorie Taylor Greene says something is racist!

    9. I’m tellin y’all, that comment didn’t hurt Vivek’s feelings like you think it did. He’s very happy being the “good one” amongst Republicans. It’s Hershel Walker all over again 🤷🏿‍♂️

    10. MisterScrod1964 on

      I’d like a candid interview with Vance’s wife about this. After the election, so she’s able to really speak her mind.

    11. Vivek said there’s no racism. He’s already at the top so that’s directed towards a lower caste

    12. Own_Instance_357 on

      It’s going on 40 years now, but there used to be these girls in college we called “the pancake girls” … they were the middling looks sometimes kind of dumpy girls who fell all over themselves to become ingratiated with the fraternities. In exchange for being unofficial mascots who cleaned the guys rooms, made them pizza bites (?) and made pancakes for “the brothers” on weekends, they received unofficial protection from harassment. No one was going to harm THEIR bitches. Not even sororities.

      You could almost see it in the old MTV show 20 years gone, Sorority Life/Fraternity Life before the universities themselves shut that shit down, because all it did was show the downsides of college life. And humiliate half the participants while vilifying the other half. 18-22 year olds are stupid teenagers with newfound and often unwarranted autonomy.

      The pancake girls. Vivek and Laura Loomer and MTG and Boebert and Jason Miller and Stephen Miller … maybe even Jd Vance.

      Pancake girls. You may not have to suck actual dick but you better go on news media and make those pancakes.

      Make pancakes Vivek You suck as a person and probably leave every toilet you’ve ever shit in unflushed.

    13. findhumorinlife on

      Ok seriously, is his head – forehead photoshopped ? It was done to Charley Kirk’s head too. Asking for a co worker.

    14. It’s funny the more racist the racists get, and the more anti-women they get, the more things don’t go their way

      Just look at the trajectory of racism in the modern era and notice how within a span of a decade we had a 2-term black/biracial president, numerous senators and house representatives of color, and we are on the cusp of another black biracial FEMALE president

    15. I mean, Anne Coulter said to his face that she does not think he is eligible for office because he is not WASP (which is the definition of racism, because he is deemed ineligible only based on his race), and he thanked her for her honesty. So I don’t think he is going to be offended based on anything Laura Loomer says.

    16. Can you imagine talking like that at any job these days, you’d be fired in seconds and rightfully so. I am always shocked at the these people and their inability to see the world is just different now. Try bringing us together.

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