When you say something so vile that MTG becomes the voice of reason

    by dual-ity


    1. Except the first part she isn’t being the voice of reason because that’s exactly what the maga movement is at this point

    2. Surely someone hijacked her account? The level of offence shes displaying, for another human being, of all things is so out of character, I can’t imagine there could be any other explanation.

    3. MTG is likely just doing damage control here. Loomer comes around to say the quiet part out loud and MTG is like WHOA! We don’t want them to know we’re totally openly nazis!!! Use CODES like the rest of us! Veil those racial slurs!

    4. CrazyPerspective934 on

      I like when they pretend their propaganda hasn’t been the start of this behavior and these thoughts

    5. She’s right when she says it’s appalling and racist.

      She’s wrong when she says this does not represent Republicans, MAGA, or Donald Trump.

    6. HelloPeopleOfEarth on

      “This does not represent President Trump” … Yes, yes it does. There is a reason David Duke voted for Trump.

    7. Lucky_Mongoose_4834 on

      She was Trumps special guest to attend the 9/11 memorial a day AFTER she posted this. Just to be clear, heres the trump guest list:

      “Trump and Vance were joined by campaign staff, the former president’s sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, and far-right activist Laura Loomer”.

      So, she clearly does represent Trump. And the blow back to her racist AF post, is likely why Trump’s team asked MTG to post this and create some distance.

    8. Lord, the level of fucked-uppedness required for MTG to go “Actually, that’s pretty racist and not okay.”

      Like, she’s not wrong. I’m just surprised that a public figure was willing to put their name on something so racist that *Marjorie Taylor Green* found it objectionable. That’s like Shaq saying someone’s too tall.

    9. She doesn’t mean it. She’s just jealous that Loomer wormed her way into Jr’s pants. Marge longs to suckle the Trump teat but no amount of plastic filler and skin stretching could de-cromagnon that giant dome.

    10. When your whole political movement is just messaging and not honest feeling or what’s actually good for people, you often times will not even know where the line is because it’s all manufactured. That’s the Republican party.

    11. To her credit, MTG was born looking like a Neanderthal, while Laura consciously moved to looking like the puppet from Saw.

    12. MTG is only saying it because she thinks Harris’ husband has his Jewish Space Laser pointed at her head….

    13. Rating: Mostly false. The White House will occasionally also smell like brisket, and once in a while like butter chicken.

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