Joe Biden’s exchange with a Trump supporter at a 9/11 memorial event with firefighters yesterday

    by ctrl-alt-fuck-off


    1. ctrl-alt-fuck-off on

      I saw the two second clip be posted on here but this is the longer interaction providing a bit of backstory. I think it turned out pretty nice to watch with the other guy putting on a Biden signed presidential cap. This took place in Shanksville where United 93 crashed nearby and it is in the county that voted 71% for Trump.

    2. TotallyNotaBotAcount on

      Remember when guys like this weren’t the loudest ones in the room…. Pepperidge farms remembers.

    3. Funny how the guy supposedly detests Biden but still melts in his presence. You think you talk a big game but then the President is standing in front of you. Hell, I’d be the same.

    4. Hate him or love him cause he is old as shit but Biden was slow roasting that guy. It’s not like he can tell the guy to fuck off

    5. Man, for all the charged deeper meanings you can definitely find in a video like this I gotta say it’s refreshing to see this interaction in a world of divisive politics

    6. Glad to see the whole interaction. Yesterday, everyone was just clipping Biden wearing the Trump hat + zero context.

    7. The ability to laugh at yourself is something you should learn by your early 20’s. 

      Trump is about to turn 80 and still doesn’t posses that characteristic. 

    8. side note, but those parents coordinating their kids outfits to those trumpy cult shirts is super weird and they should be ashamed of themselves for using their kids as pawns to make a political statement during a 9/11 memorial event

    9. If Biden were just ten years younger and in his early 70s he would have been a force. He’s always been a bit of a wisecracking schmoozer. I think he’s an old school retail politician at heart but never got to fully show it off by the time he got to be president. 

    10. _FiscalJackhammer_ on

      For people who hate him they sure did line up in droves to speak with him and take pictures. Didn’t they?

    11. Apprehensive_Ratio80 on

      That’s a decent man right there!
      Trump would call a guy in a Biden hat a loser and make fun of him, Biden was courteous and friendly and they could both laugh about things nothing out of the ordinary.
      This is what being a Politician in modern society should be about no attacks just get out there do your part, take part and be nice.

    12. CoffeeDrinker1972 on

      That’s a president confident of who he is, and what he is. He’s not afraid of making jokes, or be in a roomful of people and kids wearing shirts and hats of the other candidate.

    13. NotThatSpecialToo on

      Biden is a good man and he truly puts America first.

      It’s a shame that an immoral dirtbag like DJT can even stand next to him.

      Biden may not have been the greatest president ever but he is a good man and truely tries to di the right thing,.

      I only wish we had more men like him left in America.

    14. malcolmreyn0lds on

      Dude can be undeniably charming. He had people who (seemingly) really don’t like him laughing and asking for his autograph and shooting the shit…

      I miss when politics didn’t involve so much hate, and when two opposites could still get together and bullshit with each other

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