donnie trump’s dream dinner guests have arrived.

    by shadowpawn


    1. I think if Trump ever hears from Putin again, it will involve an invitation to stay at a hotel in Moscow. Sent by an aid. A few days later the world will know what it looks like when a 370lb man “falls” from a 20th story balcony.

      Putin has no further use for Trump unless he wins the election. Which seems very unlikely at this point. Odds are they’ll never talk again.

    2. Harris missed an opportunity with the “eat you for lunch” line. She should have added, “…if they give you a seat at the table, that is.”

      This, she’d have a) established that he’s weak compared to them; b) that after all his wealth and having been POTUS, he’s still not good enough to be part of the club. Ouch.

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