Do you even have a plan?

    by The_FatGuy_Strangler


    1. CarltheWellEndowed on

      Michael Richards is such an appropriate person for this.

      Wouls not be surprised to find out about Trump’s own hard r.

    2. LikeableTurtle24 on

      Do I have a plan? Yes I have a plan, a great plan, the best plan, a plan to dodge every question with an insult towards you (cue fanning in and out hand motion)

    3. It’s not that I don’t think you can… I know that you can’t, and I’m positive that you won’t

    4. For me, the best moment of the debate. This one goes to the REST of the GOP lying right along and he threw them all under the bus. All the other diarrhea that spewed from his facehole was just him proving he’s a dumb cunt.

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