He has no idea what he just said, does he?

    by Ok_Acadia3526


    1. But Elon does the same thing and he keeps his mouth shut. Doesn’t bite the hand that feeds him. What a good boy.

    2. Monkey-bone-zone on

      😂 You know it was a disaster when the entire party runs crying into the loving confines of the Fox News mothership.

      The Cope on Fox News dot-com alone is glorious.

    3. HaraldWurlitzer on

      Wow. Just wow.

      It was Don Jr’s idea to nominate this guy of all people as VP candidate?

      Kids, stay away from drugs.

    4. Hmmm, trying to think of another (purported) billionaire celebrity involved in politics that may have influenced JD Vance to abandon everything he once stood for.

    5. Every day, I think, “It can’t get more dumb than this” and every day, I’m proven wrong.

    6. No, no he does not have any idea what he just said. Cognitive dissonance is a requirement in the silo of the GOP.

    7. The only way JD Vance can ever have any form of dignity as a human being after this is if it later comes out that he is a God-tier troll and was intentionally sabotaging Trump the whole time.

      It just seems impossible for someone to be this self-destructing.

    8. Illustrious_Toe_4755 on

      These dudes really, really don’t like women. Especially women with more intellect, and money.

    9. GoldRecordDaddy on

      Maybe he’s trolling – maybe all of this is his own patriotic way of bringing the fat man down. Suck up to him, get on the ticket, and then use the platform to just start hacking away at it from the inside.

    10. Hmm….can anyone think of another billionaire celebrity who is disconnected from the interests and problems of most Americans?

    11. Like this couch fucker has a dime on one of the world’s most esteemed artists, record setting best-selling concert tour singers, and just overall lovely human being. I hope myself and all other Swifties bring him to Reputation justice. 🐍

    12. Am I the only one who only sees the eye liner on him and nothing else? I get totally distracted and can see nothing else but.

    13. Uh… Vance is an eccentric billionaire’s intern,

      Running alongside a Reality TV show nepobaby.

    14. “Who’s even heard of this Taylor Swift person,” Vance went on to add, “I mean she’s no Kevin Sorbo.”

    15. If I didn’t know better, I’d say these clowns are trying to throw the election. What an absolute shit show the republican party has become. I can’t wait to put all of this behind us on November 5th.

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