From not being willing to hear to not being able to share

    by herewearefornow


    1. Crisis-Counselor on

      This that philosophical shit I like to talk about. We need more of these posts and less ….fuckery.

      But yea, I hate how wisdom has to come with age. Why I couldn’t be wise at 24 when Alicia was playing games and I wasn’t paying any attention to Anna? Shit is lame

    2. I feel like part of the problem is a lot of older people mix genuine wisdom and advice with their own personal biases and beliefs. Younger people hear your shitty opinions that you pass off as wisdom and decide that nothing you say can he listened too, whereas as when you’re older you just learn to see the times when the broken clock is right

    3. _window_shopper on

      “I didn’t send you out here to make friends. You’re here to get an education.”

      Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t network or make friends/associates, but my grandparents were right – I’m not out here to make friends.

      I know SOOOOOO many people who made life changing decisions based on what friends were doing.You can apply this in high school or college- high schoolers who pretend to be dumb to stay with their friends instead of high placement classes, or high schoolers who are going to colleges that their friends are going to, not because they want to.

      Even in college- students who I PERSONALLY knew dropped out just because they hadn’t made any friends, or folks that spend more time on campus orgs than actually paying attention in class and their grades suffer because of it.

      I’m definitely not saying to have fun and make these social relationships- however, education is just as important.

      I personally don’t talk to anyone I went to high school or college with and you’d be surprised how many people have friends they thought they never would part with that they don’t even talk to now.

      PS – networking is important, but this ain’t that. Be honest with y’all selves- how many folks did you go to high school or college with can you network with?

    4. Glittering_Animal395 on

      2 years ago, I gave my son some advice that he did not heed. He asked me for some money to help with his first poor choice. I helped even though I didn’t want to and maybe shouldn’t have. He asked for some help with the second bad choice, only guidance this time. He was insulted and offended at my [advice], guidance, and counsel regarding his second poor choice. He told me I needed “professional help” because of my response. All of my guidance was based on my personal experience with the two dumb ass choices plus the experience of others whom I was privy to. Now his heart is broken, he is broke, and he claims to be depressed with no diagnosis. I asked if he was diagnosed by a medical professional, and he said; “No. It doesn’t matter.”
      I have not and will not say to him, “I told you so,” no matter how long he decides not to talk to me. I know he’s ashamed. I’m not, though. I am confident that I have said enough for him to succeed. I have lived my life in a way that I can be content with.

    5. Whew, this is that damn 25 year old of mine. She thinks she knows everything and doesn’t want to listen to shit…but I was the exact same way around her age and that’s what pisses me off. She just has to figure it out in her own time. My go-to phrase with her now is “You got it” or “You like it I love it” but then she accuses me of not caring. Can’t win. Oh well.

    6. catchtoward5000 on

      The best piece of advice that I ever got, that just clicked in my mind, and it felt like a whole new world opened up in that moment- It was simple and not profound to a mature adult, but I was probably 10 or 11, and our mom told us to do specific chores and I was too busy playing video games (it was summer break) to want to be responsible, and she was going to come home soon and my oldest brother saw that I hadnt cleaned the bathroom yet, and just looked at me and said “you’re only making your life harder. You choose a little more fun now at the cost of being in trouble and having 0 fun later.” And walked away. I immediately cleaned the bathroom and was like “hes right. Wtf am I even doing?” And ever since then it made me more of a proactive person.

      Now if only the other 2000 similar pieces of advice I got would have clicked, I’d be living my best life lol.

    7. CharacterHomework975 on

      So many things like this for me. Shit I thought was dumb old people being old when I was younger, and now I get it. Most of it you legitimately just can’t prove to someone who doesn’t want to understand it. They have to get there themselves.

      One of my favorites? You aren’t saving time trying to speed or weave through traffic. The amount of time you can gain on the road is minimal. The difference between maintaining 85 and maintaining 65 on a 10 mile freeway commute is measured in *seconds.* You want to get their earlier, you needed to leave earlier. Anybody who’s ever depended on the bus or train gets this. But people driving believe they’re “in control.” That control is mostly an illusion, and your being late because “all these people were in my way” is a you problem. They were always gonna be there. Get your shit together. Leave earlier. Stop blaming everyone else for your shit.

      You ain’t gonna make a single argument against that I ain’t heard. You’re unlikely to make an argument against that *I haven’t personally made.* I was in my late 30’s when I figured this out. Young Me spent a whole lot of years telling Old Me how dumb I am. I was wrong.

    8. goodnamesweretaken on

      A smart person learns from their mistakes. A wise person learns from the mistakes of others. I had the fortune/misfortune of observing elders making several mistakes which I learned from. I still had to learn some things through my own experience, but not all of the lessons of my elders were lost on me.

    9. Melodic_Smile908 on

      Sometimes the gems were “hardened turds” and doused with “misinformation piss”

      And now im at a stage as an older person I state “do you want practical advice or are you just venting? ”

      This USUALLY focuses their soul to the advice of a seasoned individual .

    10. Not to be a Reddit guy, but i think more specifically, wisdom comes from experience.

      A lot of people who have Gone Through Some Shit™ are infinitely wiser than those their own age, or even older.

      That’s where the second part of that thought comes into play, being willing to listen/learn. I know my kids won’t always listen to me, but for now what I’m focusing on is on encouraging that curiosity to learn new things for the sake of learning new things. Hopefully that invites the wisdom in.

    11. I like this thread, it’s wholesome and full of wisdom

      My experience to share would be, even if you’re realizing that the person you’ve been or you currently are is inadequate to your own values or who do you want to be, you can change. You can always change.

      You’re allowed to change, and you shouldn’t let people that knew you or were comfortable with that old version of you, keep you in that spot just because they were comfortable, it’s your life and your choices. If you want to do a 360 in your life, you have to do so.

      Another thing I love hearing, when you feel like your dreams are slipping away, snatch them right back. Unless it’s a conscious decision (you’ve outgrown them, you feel different about them etc), adults tend to underestimate their own abilities and lose that childlessness sparkle that makes it all fun.

      Life is tough, it can beat up sometimes fr, however..

      I truly believe that living is, in some way or form, made through chasing your dreams, no matter how “delusional” or “grandiose” they are. I love seeing people realize that we all allowed to continue to pursue the best version of ourselves, no matter what does it look like.

    12. ManonIsTheField on

      I keep trying to give younger women a heads-up about menopause since my mother’s generation just decided to not tell us about all the devastation that happens and they all give me that “ok lady” polite thank you but youngins’ you need to listen – it’s a nightmare! read up on it so you can actively start to do things that will make it less painful/depressing/life-depleting

    13. Solo_Fisticuffs on

      i think we lack efficiency in how we design the lessons. obviously we’ve become more educated as a people over an extended timeline. the average human now is leaps and bounds further than the average human of the past. i think slowly we get worse and worse at showing the youngins real world examples of why we say what we say. since technology has come this far and children go through less hardship/aren’t directly involved in them anymore they just think we preach from a high horse because we can

      i also think parents and other mentor/guiding figures in a child’s life are worse at making things personal. most people reject a generic explanation if they cant see how it would apply to them directly, even if statistically it WILL apply. also, many parents take the “because i said so” approach. mine did and i heavily rejected the idea. i couldn’t justify blindly following what they say for no reason other than being told to do so

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