Y’all, I think she broke him

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Is this true? After the campaign for kamala said they want another debate? Boy she broke him on Tuesday night.

    2. Oh, heavens no, why?

      Surely, Donald would want to repeat his most hideously stupid lie from the first debate about immigrants eating people’s pets.

      HE SAW IT ON TV.

    3. whereegosdare84 on

      But Trump told me he won the debate, why wouldn’t he want to do more?!?

      I mean of course he won’t debate her again who the fuck thought a papaya with a head wound and a room temperature IQ measured in Celsius would do well against a former prosecutor and attorney general?

      It’s like leaving JD Vance alone in an ikea showroom after dark, you know it’s a terrible idea.

    4. OryxTheTakenKing1988 on

      We witnessed the first ever live autopsy on television, and the first ever autopsy on a living person. She tore him apart and left his yellow belly out for everyone to see

    5. CynicalPomeranian on

      I don’t support abusing really old men, but I gleefully made an exception for last night’s debate. 

    6. The real boss move was her introducing herself and saying her name out loud so he heard the correct way to say it and guess what, he never mentions her by name throughout the debate let alone look at her.

    7. FlimsyConclusion on

      Couldn’t even look at her at the debate. The man is a coward and running scared.

      His only hope now is if America is stupid enough to still vote him in so…… He still has a solid chance.


    8. Because he’s got nothing. Last night, he said nothing new. He said nothing with substance. Just the same old fearmongering bullshit he’s been spewing since forever. And everything she said made him out to be the senile, selfish, out-of-touch old fuck that he actually is. Going in for round 2? Will not help him at all. Will only give him the opportunity to look even worse to the undecideds than he already does.

    9. He’s been scared of her. Weird-ass bitch couldn’t even look at her last night for fear he’d start crying.

    10. Now she must insist on another debate. His ego cannot stand being stood up by a POC/women. Harris did a fantastic job!

    11. Mysterious-Wasabi103 on

      Finally I feel like Democrats are starting to give us some of their best. No offense to Clinton or Biden because they were certainly very experienced in politics, but they weren’t the most capable Democrats of their times necessarily.

      It’s crazy too because likely Harris would have never won the Democratic Primaries so I feel like Biden intentionally did what he did to bypass the voters giving us someone who wasn’t the most capable in the room.

      Say what you will about Harris but the lady is fuckin good at what she does. She gets results.

    12. Every-Manufacturer88 on

      Do you believe this debate or any future debate would really change the outcome? Do you think there are people who haven’t made up their minds yet?

    13. When is the Walz/Vance debate? I want to see Walz destroy in real time the Trump/Vance/Mussolini/Ceausesau/Orban/Putin ticket.

    14. When she said his rallies were weird and boring he blew a gasket. From that point on everything out of his mouth was insane, angry rambling.

    15. I wasn’t going to watch but I am SO glad that I did, watching him finally get his a$$ handed to him instantly cured my PTSD from the first debate.

    16. Then Kamala needs to use those scheduled debates as town halls. Don’t give up the chance to point out his many weaknesses and use that time to speak directly to the American people.

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