Harris denounces ‘Trump abortion bans,’ supports restoring Roe v. Wade in ABC debate

    by James_Fortis


    1. Freshouttapatience on

      Forget the babies, I’m very concerned about the pets being eaten by migrants. Gosh I hope he has a concept of a plan to address this.

    2. off_the_cuff_mandate on

      Roe v Wade won’t get restored, the only way to federally protect abortion rights is through legislature

    3. The worst part of all of this is Trump claiming he did good by giving the people what they really wanted, the STATES the right.  

      Noone who legitimatly cares about the issue of abortion wanted Roe V Wade overturner on the basis that “it should be the States that decide, not the federal govt”.

      Prolifers – and I shudder when I use that term as it was created to admonition their “opposition”- want to stop abortion by any means nessecary, and have known since the 60s that youd have to weaponize the SC to do so.

      It was a small, fervent percentage of the right that wanted to lead this country towards Christian Nationalism, but fuck if they aren’t all in.  

      And look what they got?  They are 50 days away from a deadlocked race where they might succeed in finally reaching their goal.

    4. rubiksalgorithms on

      Why all the jokes in here? If your 13-year-old daughter got raped by some thug with aids and was being forced to carry the baby to term would you really be making jokes online? There is absolutely nothing funny about what they have done. Everyone of those Supreme Court justices lied.

    5. Dude could not be less present. Look at him. He’s just…there. He doesn’t know/care what happens to women. The Federalist Society told him to nominate those three justices and that’s what he did. He. Does. Not. Care.

    6. Empty_Afternoon_8746 on

      I saw a democrat kill a baby right on that stage last night. 80 years out of the womb is pretty extreme.

    7. Why don’t politicians ever just say it’s a personal choice and hey govt stop regulating a woman’s body. She should have used her question she asked Justice Kavanaugh, does the government have any laws that regulate men’s bodies line

    8. My favorite is “I turned it back to the states. Everyone wanted that…” no. No one did.

      “Hey, that freedom I currently have, I think it would be cool if instead of me having it, we could vote on that.”

      How does that even make sense.

    9. Extreme-Outrageous on

      That was so eloquent and powerful. Kamala is blowing me away every day. If you listened to that and don’t feel anything, you’re a monster.

    10. Pristine-Butterfly55 on

      Love how narcissist shut their eyes and refuse to look at their accusers like they’re not there.

    11. Hendiadic_tmack on

      I don’t get the whole “Kamala didn’t answer about her position on abortion”. She did. Her position was/still is Roe. She said that very clearly when asked about it originally, just not when they asked her point blank. She wants to go back to Roe was very clear.

    12. taylorhildebrand on

      I will say, I wish she had come out and just said, of course I don’t support aborting born babies. That’s something I’ve heard thrown in my face by republicans a lot. And i was really hoping to have a definitive answer of fuck that. She dodged it for some reason

    13. Alternative-Appeal43 on

      This isn’t “interesting af” this is just politics in what should be a non political sub

    14. As an outsider, I think part of the problem with the American debate around abortions is that everyone is stuck arguing around and around and around in circles about the definitions of what is being debated, and no one is willing to actually even discuss the merits or challenges of actual policy proposals.

    15. Why does he blink once a second? Is that Adderall or whatever the frick he takes to walk around in that big dumb human suit?

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