He’s cooked

    by blueberry-_-69


    1. Fight_the_status_quo on

      The scary part is it’s usually the silent one that goes scorched earth once they snap. It’s not the ones who look tough that you have to look out for…

    2. Muted-Elephant-6520 on

      “Someone made my best friend cry. Dooda dooda. That someone is gonna die oh di doda dai.”😊

    3. This is why i make friends with people who are a year or two older than me. My best friend of 6+ years now is 2 years older than me, all of *his* friends would beat the fuck out of anyone if they laid a finger on me.

      Surprise Long term investment.

    4. Hopeful_Strategy8282 on

      What, there are people who will do something other than calling you pathetic and never hanging out with you again?


      There’s a special place in hell for people that mess with silent folk. And if you don’t believe in hell, then how about curbs. There’s a special curb for them.

    6. Silent friends don’t exist since silent people don’t have friends

      Source – I’m silent and everyone just makes fun because it’s easy

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