This debate 🤣

    by keepityou


    1. Trump lucky for that first debate with Biden 🤣🤣🤣this one wasn’t going his way even though they were both were dodging questions

    2. Possible_Role_8370 on

      “So President Trump that means you don’t have a plan about the ACA?” “Well, I’m not president right now” 😭😭

    3. Radiant-Character-61 on

      “You can perform an abortion after birth, ”

      nigga what!?


    4. TheHoleintheHeart on

      Absolutely insane they just allowed him to ramble incoherent bigotry fueled lies, yet Kamala asked for more time to respond to one of said lies one time and they immediately cut her off and moved on.

    5. I wish people would be more clear that the “After birth abortions” that he’s talking about are actually heartbreaking situations where a family would decide to transition their infant into palliative/hospice care.

    6. Ill_Celery_7654 on

      His supporters have the IQ of a goldfish so he can say dumb shit like that and they aren’t smart enough to realize it.

    7. redditsucks13131 on

      “Tim Walz and I are gun owners!” She hit him with the me and my homeboys are strapped! Cold blooded.

    8. BombasticSimpleton on

      Don’t forget, “concept of a plan”.

      After 9+ years of time to prepare, this will be Trump tomorrow after talking to his campaign:


    9. TheFuckingHippoGuy on

      I like how the only time she had an awkward pause was because she caught herself about to say “this motherfucker”

    10. “The TV said so” when grandpa can’t distinguish what’s an AI image and what isn’t.

      They really hounded Biden for months and Trump has a dementia moment and still gets 40% of the vote minimum.

      This country is cooked.

    11. burritorepublic on

      I heard the Haitans eating dogs thing on TV and for some reason I didn’t think anybody was gonna take that seriously, like I blocked it out for some reason. I actually saw Ted Cruz’s meme and thought it was somebody posting it on here to be funny like “haha look at this shit nobody takes at face value” but no it was Ted Cruz and he along with several members of Congress. I was legitimately shocked by all this shit like I haven’t been living through it for 8 years. I’m tired.

    12. I hope even the average MAGA voter is appalled when they hear their guy say “I heard it on TV” and not some high-level briefing or something.

    13. Reason_For_Treason on

      I didn’t watch the debate cause I hate him more than most people and things, but I’m glad to hear he’s getting absolutely dragged.

    14. “Why are you sending me pictures of my house?”

      “You’re going to have to figure that out Abdul…”


    15. Kamala was like “look at all the racist things he’s done.” And Trump essentially said “why you gotta bring up old shit?”

    16. My personal favorite quote of the night was:

      “She wants to perform transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison!!”

    17. What are all his supporters who believe he’s still president gonna do now that he stated on national television that he isn’t president right now? Thoughts and prayers 🙏🏻

    18. It’s so crazy. Trump was on adderall, no other he could be focused on his BS. Kamala had to keep cockng her next and this was not the right plan. Trump looked forward and never stopped no matter the lie. Conviction says so much more.

    19. ![gif](giphy|C1hkIcGE7OAcE)

      I think we need to talk about the transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.

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