Man attacked by golden eagle🦅

    by Bubbly-Astronomer930


    1. I get this reaction.

      I got attacked by a goose once by a lake in the UK. Crazy thing started running at me and pecking me, and I fled.

      Sure, I could have stood my ground and kicked it it death pretty easily, but you just don’t want to do that. It feels really wrong to batter a small animal, even if it is attacking you.

    2. Stupid question????

      Can you defend yourself against endangered/protected species if it meant within reason to kill?

    3. The Camera Guy was probably too close to the nest. Eagles are very protective and territorial, especially where their nest is.

    4. This is the Norwegian Eagle that is a bit crazy i guess. It attacked 6 people. After a 2 year old was hurt, it was killed (eagle, not kid).

      Nobody knows why. They are checking for deceases.

    5. thesilverywyvern on

      1. the guy was probably too close to the nest

      2. that guy attacked the eagle more than the opposite there

    6. Electric_Bagpipes on

      Fuck being nice, your in nature, become a threat to it and scare it the F off, at least. Those talons and beak are no joke, so it deserves a decent right hook for screwing with you.

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