TIL that streetlights can be moved for oversized loads

    by bigfootsbestfriend


    1. Now this is Interesting as Fuck. I mean if you didn’t see it you would swear it was never meant to move.

    2. For the traffic coming from the cross road, having a traffic light suddenly appear would be confusing.

    3. VanIsle_throwmeaway on

      Huh, I had no idea that was possible. Definitely interesting, thanks for posting 👍🏻

    4. Professional-Can-670 on

      This is a service that was only recently created, but is becoming more common. This style of traffic light is not only safer during storms, but allows the transport of oversized loads as we see here. The practice of moving houses to new locations was much more common until the early 1900s. The material and labor to build a house was much too valuable to tear down and rebuild. Power and communication lines increased the cost of transport (as of 2003ish it would be like $5k US dollars per intersection to get a house through as this 1man job was like a 3 guy all day thing. Again, PER INTERSECTION). Material costs also decreased (cheaper construction methods across the board, partially because of more efficient production but also keeping home prices low by lowering quality – the market proved over and over that people chose by necessity or preference a lower priced house over one that is constructed better) so it became less desirable to transport buildings on the whole. It is a bit of a chicken/egg thing. But definitely interesting as fuck to me! Thanks!

      TLDR: this is new because it didn’t need to be a thing before power lines, and as we electrified, we stopped wanting to do this so much.

    5. I’ve seen them use a bucket truck to bend it up a bit but not this. It probably depends on the municipality if they built this style

    6. Now that I’ve seen it, it seems so obvious, like OF COURSE, these are designed to move if needed.

      Good post.

    7. Did the trucker have to call in help? That’d hold up a lot of traffic.

      Looks like that traffic light post is special and meant to swivel out of the way. The ones by me don’t have that turning mechanism.

    8. Quick-Economist-4247 on

      Or just put a roundabout there as we do in Europe. Hey ho, no need for a power supply, lights or an obstruction to oversized vehicles.

    9. Lots of the lights on Highway 63 going through Fort Mac have this at the High Load detours on the overpasses… lots of high loads going north and south for the Oilsands

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