That looks like a normal hug to me

    by DreamyDerriereCandy


    1. Okay…. but Trump outright admitting to being sexually attracted to his daughter isn’t creepy at all?
      (where is that image flip of all those Trump being inappropriate toward Ivanka pics when you need them?)

    2. Repubis: “Fathers don’t hug their children! Every person knows that! What they are doing is very uncommon and not normal.”

    3. Normal hug to me.
      More creepy is the fact how Trump talks about his own daughter. One could think he shared her with Epstein.

    4. They gotta throw hug shade to divert attention from trumps truly shady creep hugs. MAGA is code for “I peaked in high school”.

    5. Zealousideal-Eye-677 on

      For creeps and weirdos EVERYTHING looks weird and creepy.

      Because they watch – like everyone ese — ….and then begins the creepy and weird part to process….

      Result is ALWAYS creepy and weird

      Just the law of logic

    6. Apparently if the Dad doesn’t grope the daughter it’s creepy. People are definitely calling them weird for a reason.

    7. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKMeCOV3oXSb5bq|downsized)

      They want to create a similar outrage as with this moment. The projection is not even disguised anymore.

    8. Am I the only one who sees Benny Johnson as this stereotypical “normal looking dude but actually a russian enemy spy” look. You know, those antagonist in action movies where this nice guy with glasses suddenly remove his glasses and started talking in russian.

    9. Did gran his daughters ass. All normal here.

      Now the blow is creepy.


    10. He is grabbing her by the shoulders?
      Yeah, that’s creepy.
      Unlike someone else speaking about his daughter like she is a sexual object – now that’s fine and not creepy at all.

    11. aardvarkyardwork on

      Yes, why isn’t Joe hugging his daughter by the ass like Benny’s totally-normal-and-not-weird daddy Trump does?

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