Elon stans are delusional

    by uDoucheChill


    1. Dragonfly-Adventurer on

      Also every major event on Twitter has been a clusterfuck, from a technical, or *allegedly* technical POV.

    2. Elon seems to be cleaning house before the election. Elon has chosen Trump as his boy, and the site is filled with propaganda. I made my voice heard on X and they suspended my account permanently. I guess I will have to live without X. I have a feeling I will be just fine.

    3. Twitter is “Working fine” in the same way my grandpa is “doing well” after two strokes

    4. If by “working just fine” you mean “lost 90% of it’s value and is the greatest financial loss Elon has ever taken, and might actually be financially ruining him” then yeah. It’s working GREAT!

      He’s been losing about 5 billion dollars a month since he bought it. Some day they will sit down in business schools across the nation and give lectures about not doing what Elon did. 😂

    5. BolOfSpaghettios on

      So, here’s the reason why Elon wants to be part of the administration:

      When you get appointed, you get to sell your stocks in companies that have conflict with the positions you hold, and because you’re “forced” you pay no taxes on those sales. Elon is trying to get out of X with minimal losses.

    6. The other day I heard my boss say about elon, “he’s brilliant, he’s hard working, and he does NOT suffer fools.”

      How in the world does he still have simps?

    7. I know a little bit about the hiring process at space x. Long and short of it is Elon signs off on every single hire, right down to the janitor.

      As you could imagine, everyone I talk to there absolutely worships the guy like the second coming of Jesus and Nikola.

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