This is gonna be close. So much stupid

    by ExactlySorta


    1. >… due to typically pitiful voter turnout.

      It really is our problem to handle. The decades of “my vote doesn’t matter” and “both sides” propaganda has created anemic voter turnout for decades.

      I don’t know how we mobilize 70% voter turnout in November, but hopefully we can make enough progress to make it easier in the future (such as making election day a federal holiday in Presidential and Midterm elections.)

    2. Yousoggyyojimbo on

      I’ve pretty much given up on the idea of America as a country at this point.

      I had a conversation with my father tonight over Trump’s comments about having people who donated to or voted for Harris arrested.

      He supported the idea. Unquestioningly. I pointed out that that would be me and he didn’t falter one fucking bit.

      My own dad thinks I should be imprisoned for not supporting Trump, because it came out of Trump’s 78 year old pudding brain and that’s all it takes.

      That sort of shit is happening all over the country and it’s not getting better. We no longer have cohesive family structure. We no longer have a sense of national unity. We just have people who support Trump and people who don’t support Trump, and the first group wants the other group to suffer or die

    3. UAreTheHippopotamus on

      Vote, tell everyone you know to vote and stop the hand wringing. America dies when the remaining Americans who care give up.

    4. It’s like waiting for a test result you didn’t study for… but the whole class didn’t either.

    5. Automatic_Pea_7570 on

      Is it really that close? I think it’s a slam dunk for Harris. In 2016 Trump campaigned on giving everyone a tax break. In 2020 it was laughable that when Trumps tax records were leaked that he was paying less than the average American. What happened??? He losses to Biden. His time is over and he knows it. The Conservative Party’s only chance was Nicky Haley, they blew it.

    6. I begged friends of mine to vote and they don’t. One said she felt like elections were a part of 9/11 and I was like wtf? People have lost their damn minds

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