This wall of fake ids at a liquor store

    by bunnymamallama


    1. Legally we aren’t allowed to take them. A lot of people just leave them when you call it out where I work

    2. Surprisingly mostly California. I suppose this isn’t a part of that state frequented by visitors?

    3. I made some. I charge a decent price for an easily identifiable fake. They are so fake they’re legal, as long as you don’t attempt to do illegal things with them. /s

    4. Do kids even try this anymore? There has to be some new high tech way to get booze. When I was underage, we used to play “hey mister” and ask random people to buy us drinks. I’ve never had an underaged person ask me to buy them alcohol. It’d be funny if they did.

    5. Over_Addition_3704 on

      The bottle just right of the fake IDs, top row, looks like a shrunken head until you zoom in

    6. SplendiferousAntics on

      Tbh the fake ID “business” must be booming. In my fraternity in college (2006) we used to buy them from a guy who knew a guy (still $120 back in the day). It would get taken at a bar over the weekend and we just bought another one. We learned which places to avoid and which ones didn’t care, but I would say I spent easily $600 on fakes before I turned 21 and the only one that actually worked was a real ID from my older friend who I barely looked like

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