Looking at you, Sony

    by No-Reason-482


    1. TotalyNotJoeImCereal on

      It’s like this was all avoidable and we all knew that Sony partnership’s typically end in tragedy and that gamers are tired of live service models…

    2. Cade o Elder Scrolls q vem depois do Skyrim?! O mundo está escondendo de mim?!! ROUBO!!!!!!

    3. If you have a worthless asset, you can claim your tax write-off and reduce your taxable income. They’ll write it off and pocket the money

    4. what’s worse is the 2 devs who started playing the victim card and just straight up called gamers, their target audience, weirdos and talentless freaks.

    5. I’m ngl, I haven’t seen anything actually wrong with the game other than it being $40. I watched shroud and Sykkuno play it a bit and it looked alright. Figured they would’ve just made it F2P especially considering they spent almost a decade on it.

    6. GrondSoulhammer on

      This is honestly what I miss about old games.

      In the past, devs seemed to definitively cater to a specific audience. Nowadays, there’s more and more games trying to be something for everyone; which is good from a business standpoint, but bad for consumers.

      “In the effort to make something for everyone, they made something for no one.”

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