This man is not real

    by 33northconnection


    1. Lots of people eat Duck.

      That’s a thing.

      It’s like, “we need to protect chickens from people who like drumsticks.”

      Cats? I love my cat Mrs Meow Meow. And she loves me. She tolerates my wife.

      But that’s partly because I get the good canned cat food and my wife was farm raised and doesn’t believe in that and will only give her dry cat food.

      I’m the cats favorite favorite.

    2. Reacting with a heart emoji to a pro-trump AI generated image is *exactly* the thing my 80 year old grandmother who has red flags for dementia would do.

    3. What in God’s name is the purpose of this? Does anyone look at this and think anything other than how incredibly stupid it is? Even for trolling it’s stupid

    4. It looks like the duck is saving him from drowning and the kitten is there as his emotional support animal

    5. If anyone is Christofascist curious, this meme comes after the Moron MAGAstan propagandists issued a piece claiming that “Haitians immigrants” in some midwest town were reduced to eating all of their pets (especially cats) and park’s animals.

      This campaign (and I shit you not) is an attempt to draw in all the “cat-loving single females” that some MAGATidiot dissed over 2 weeks ago.

      Yup, total stable geniuses those MAGAts.

    6. SnooHamsters8997 on

      I’m not trying to make this super political, but, this just seems like such a Boomer way to try and distract away from another school shooting that just happened

    7. ….from the serial adulterer, convict, and rapist. Just adding clarification for the unfortunate duck and kitty already caught by the orange fascist.

    8. Ohio big red state. Not sure what Kamala Harris has anything to do with animals getting eaten in a Republican state

    9. CommunicationHot7822 on

      Trump and the Republicans want to get rid of the EPA and environmental regulations so there won’t be any more non toxic lakes or wild ducks.

    10. Trump desperately grabbing ducks and kittens to stay afloat after epically pissing his pants ahead of the debate.

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