Good question!

    by yorocky89A


    1. inbetween-genders on

      I’m gonna be disappointed cause I can’t imagine Kamala saying “will you shut up” and that’s really one of the few debates I will remember for the rest of my life.

    2. Just a reminder, I’ll be covering the debate here just like I do with rallies and such. I’ll be adding clips as they become available. 💙

    3. I feel that Trump could have shit running down his legs and say nothing other than “Kamabla” over and over and the OANN crowd would declare him the winner, so at least for some people, he will get the remedial test.

    4. I’m not gonna watch. I already know I’m voting for Kamala, and nothing will change my mind on that

    5. They’re probably gonna give Trump the “kid gloves” treatment in hopes he doesn’t say anything too insane.

      With as preferentially as he’s treated in the media, it honestly wouldn’t surprise me.

    6. It is a double standard. As long as Trump doesn’t shit himself they’ll say he won. Even if he does shit himself they’ll still claim victory. On the other hand, a single stutter, a single hesitation from Kamala and its the end of the fucking world.

    7. Guaranteed hight deference will be compared by right wing media as if we should just crown trump king of America because he’s taller.

    8. The only way press won’t make him win is if he drops the n word and poops on the floor. Then they will call it a tie

    9. The debate won’t change people’s minds about either Candidate. What will change is the likelihood of people registering to vote or deciding that they will/wont vote to stop either Trump or Harris.

    10. This debate is pointless. It’s been proven time and time again that DJT can and will say literally anything with no negative repercussions. This Debate is all downside for Kamala.

    11. MealDramatic1885 on

      I am. I already know I’m going to be annoyed by him not answering any questions and going back to the last one just to talk crap.

    12. Quirky_Journalist_67 on

      I’m looking for god to get off his useless butt and smite Trampy right in his orange mangina.

    13. I’d love a flashing sign that says ‘BIG FAT LIE’ at any of the preposterous garbage the orangutan says.

    14. I’ll be waiting for Trump to get so flustered being challenged on his BS without a cheering section that he drops the “N-word” on national TV. He’s gone as far as he could without doing it for decades now but he’s also now less “filtered” than ever, fighting to stay out of prison and getting some major competition from (dare I say) a Black woman.

      I think his tendency to blow dog whistles will become a fog horn if he’s backed into a corner.

    15. Just a shot in the dark but the orange turd will ramble and try to talk over Harris for the entire thing while making no actual statements on any actual policy. They will accept any nonsense he spews as a great answer to the most baby easy questions. Harris will try to answer hard questions and might get a little verbal stumble while articulating her policies due to the inane stream of bs from the other podium that they won’t mute. This will be interpreted by the media as Trump clearly winning the debate.

      Though I hope I am completely wrong. That would be a wonderful change of pace to this political climate.

    16. ActuallyStormiMayaA on

      With all of the horrible morally bankrupt politicians we have in TX I appreciate her even more.

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