English is easy

    by mustafizn73


    1. “I” before “E,” except when your foreign neighbor Keith receives eight counterfeit beige sleighs from weird feisty caffeinated weightlifters.

    2. Wraith_Crescent on

      I’m glad I learned this language in my childhood; otherwise, I’d be pissed if I started learning it now.

    3. Algernonletter5 on

      Trying to explain spelling competition to Arab Chinese or Japanese people will only end up with a laughter and mockery.

    4. Why doesn’t English have accentuation? Pronunciation would be so damn easier.

      – ear

      – beard

      – fear

      – heard

      – béar

      – péar

      – heârt


    5. How are we not tired of these “same person playing different people” remakes of old content?

      It was funny when Gallagher did it decades ago. This is trash.

    6. worthmorethanballs on

      I promise you this is very compared to Dutch for example. At least the grammar in English sorta makes sense. In Dutch it’s a mind fuck.

    7. Omg this was me learning statistics and probability and all the professors saying that things were intuitive.

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