My grandparents were beanie baby investors. Today we cleaned them out.

    by nakedavocado


    1. Scooterdooterdog on

      A handful of those are probably worth a fair bit, but I can’t imagine how much time it would take to go through all of those and figure out which ones would be worth selling.

    2. Status-Simple9240 on

      If any are still in packaging, see if local hospital wants them, they give to kids in the er

    3. My mom has quite a few of the rarer ones mint in plastic cases. I should see how much they’re worth these days.

    4. I can’t wait to see the look on people’s faces when this finally happens to funko pops. Sorry your grandparents didn’t sell out before the market crashed.

    5. I am going through a divorce right now and I’m keeping myself distracted by doing fun things like manicures and replacing all the beans in a Beanie Baby with steel shot. I was surprised to see which are still somewhat collectible and which ones are dirt cheap.

    6. I brought a box of my old collection to a friend’s party with lots of little ones. Each kid got to pick one and do whatever they wanted with it. Any leftovers got donated. Easy and cheap way for a fun afternoon.

    7. A woman i know is a VERY successful businesswoman with a professional degree and her own company.

      She also has 2k bagged and tagged beanie babies and has fallen for 2 pyramid schemes. Intelligence takes breaks.

    8. Just out of pure curiosity do you have any of those 1st edition princess diana purple bears? I’d hold onto them if I were you.

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