3 days is wild

    by wetouchingbuttsornah


    1. You see for it to make sense you have to understand why they say black counselor and not just counselor

    2. MoreRock_Odrama on

      I’ve seen around 3 stories on the news today about this shooter and not a one has mentioned this counselor, meanwhile this sub has like 3 posts now? Who’s actually making this a thing? Lol. I bet if we stopped giving it energy, it wouldn’t continue to spread legs. Social media has a tendency to take a few tweets from a small minority and extrapolate it to the majority and make it bigger than it actually is.

    3. Not to mention his mom SENT him to school on that fateful day and called the school talm bout keep an eye on him….

    4. i mean the dad is likely getting life in prison, so it’s not really like he’s getting away with it

    5. Complete-Morning-429 on

      So this is the problem, not the ease people like this kid can obtain a assault weapon in the state of Georgia, and not that the fact that they were notified that this kid was posting wild shit online. FOH, yt move that goalpost everywhere but on common sense gun laws

    6. Supernova_Soldier on

      I mean, a news station initially thought one of the victims was the suspect, so it isn’t too surprising to see the blame game being used right now

      Anything but to place accountability on the proper channels

    7. Dangerous-Fold-4038 on

      Wait, he only went to the school for 3 days? And some twitter weirdos attached her name and face to this?

      I actually hate Elon’s twitter.

      Edit: I need to do my own research cause apparently he had to be transferred cause of threats at the old school + them moving recently? Wtf is this case?

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