[OC] ChatGPT Responses When Asked for a Number Along a Bell Curve

    by codeconut


    1. Source: `gpt-4o-mini`
      Asked the following prompt:

      Generate a single integer between 1 and 100 (inclusive).The number you give should be random number, but it should follow a bell curve distribution. Return only the number, with no additional text.

      Repeatedly prompted 1000 times in a row.

      Tools: matplotlib

      I was inspired by the similar post I saw here yesterday!

    2. Ask it to give you code to generate a standard normal distribution. Ask a bad question get a bad answer.

    3. Doesn’t look very gaussian. But I’m willing to bet if you took the sum of those (or mean, take your pick), and repeated the experiment a few more times, the distribution would start looking a lot more bell.

    4. ChatGPT is trying to convince us that he/she/it is not a robot. Capcha logic at work.

      Most Reddit bots intensionally misspell words to appear more human, same concept.

    5. I don’t like ChatGPT but this is a really poorly formed request.

      Bell curves (more appropriately called a normal distribution) are not defined by their limits.

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