BREAKING: Candace Owens has been demonetized by YouTube

    by Spiderwig144


    1. She has also been suspended from the platform for a week.

      Couldn’t happen to a nicer fascist!

    2. Intrepid_Detective on

      Nice. Between defending fellow dipshit Kanye and neo nazis, and claiming that she thinks the horrors of Josef Mengele’s experiments on humans are propaganda and are exaggerated, it really couldn’t happen to a nicer asshole than her.

    3. Inevitable-Virus-153 on

      *Or say this MAGA dirtbag in a skirt
      Just opened the biggest can of worms on the whole planet Earth Call her “Grand Wizard” “Klandace”*

    4. EconomyCode3628 on

      That took a weirdly long time considering how many non political channels I watch that got randomly demonetized. 

    5. What she did was probs take money from Russia and YouTube don’t wanna answer questions from the DOJ about why they was platforming muhphukkas workin to fuck up US democracy while cashing YouTube checks too.

    6. She’s going to appear on Russian TV complaining how America mistreats conservatives, then she’ll join up with Tucker Carlson’s new roadshow and try to replace Russell Brand.

    7. I’ve definitely reported a video or two of hers for being really really really fucking racist, so I like to think I contributed to this.

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