How is this still a tight race?

    by Charmin_Mao


    1. YourOpinionisCero_0 on

      The worst part of this is, when the small handed felon was asked about this at the economic summit, he implied this but couldn’t articulate it because he rambled on incoherently about something else.

    2. No American will work for 12 cents an hour like Chinese kids do or for NOTHING like Chinese prisoners do.

      Tariff will fail.

      AMERICAN FAMILIES will be destroyed from paying tariffs.

    3. Elegant_Plate6640 on

      Sure, I think Trump supporters are outright idiots, but I also think you’d have to have been in a coma not to be aware of his worse discretions and be “on the fence”.

    4. ArtfullyStupid on

      They raised tariffs when the first signs if the great depression was showing. It excelerated the issue not solve it

    5. TheDarkCobbRises on

      Remember in 2019 when the FED printed several trillion dollars to bail out big banks? Where were the cries against socialism then?

    6. Greedy-Bookkeeper460 on

      What tariffs? On who? For what term? What are they basing as the cost of childcare?

      I bet Trump can’t answer any of these questions…

    7. It blows my mind that people are going to vote for Trump because they actually think he’s the better candidate.

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