I cannot imagine why advertisers left.

    by SomethingRandomYT


    1. There used to be one thing most of the world could agree on. And that was Fuck Hitler and his beliefs.

    2. VoteForWaluigi on

      The fact that this has stayed up as well as all of the other similar stuff from this account and many others just shows that Elon agrees. You can say “free speech” but he censors people he disagrees with and even then, this is something that any non-Nazi, especially someone who has a financial incentive to keep advertisers on the platform, would see as inappropriate for that platform and have taken down immediately. A lot of people think it’s extreme to go around calling people Nazis but Elon is actually a Nazi.

    3. A lot of people died because of this megalomaniac, to forget that and somehow justify millions of deaths is bull shit.

    4. There is this strange movement on line where people are trying to whitewash his image, videos of supposedly translated speeches portraying him as peaceful and misunderstood, saying that the west has spread misinformation. It’s all very scary.

    5. The cosplay bind villain will say that the downfall of twitter was his plan all along and his stans will continue to drink the koolaid

    6. The cosplay bind villain will say that the downfall of twitter was his plan all along and his stans will continue to drink the koolaid

    7. Is totally not Russian bot for to destabilize imperialist West. Is working correctly, comrade.

    8. RockiestHades45 on

      So why have people just started posting every single one of this guy’s posts on reddit now instead of ignoring all of it

    9. Can someone please for the love of all that is holy find the power button for the Twitter servers and just push the button.

    10. Twitter pretty much supports Nazi’s. Everyone I know has deleted Twitter for a long time and none of them regret it.

    11. Thisismyredusername on

      He was right though, like at the very far right side of the political spectrum

      If the post means right as in correct, nope, definitely not

    12. avoiding-heartbreak on

      This account played a long game. I used to see it a lot when I was still on there. It was subtle, measured. Seems to have “narrowed” its remit.

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