Lmaooo “cease and assist”

    by AgentEndive


    1. SolarBoytoyDjango on

      We already knew that by “steal” he meant “get people to vote for” but it’s weird he just typed it out like that.

    2. Wow. Imagine a chubby blonde baby sitting on the floor with a broken toy in his hand. Now read again. 100% match.

    3. trump when his internal polling hits:


      let’s make this loser accountable on election day.

      i’ll make sure to do my part and vote. if you haven’t registered yet, it’s a good time to do it, registration deadlines are coming up. checking if your registration is up to date, is probably also a good idea.


      you can check your state’s voter registration deadline from the website below if you haven’t registered yet. after you select your state, there should also be links for you to register/check registration status(registration lookup):


    4. TheArmoursmith on

      Is this real? “They have persuaded people to vote for my opponent” – that’s how elections work, you scrofulous orange scrotum.

    5. So he’s basically saying that voting is a disgrace. And she’s going to win because people are voting for her. Yeah, that’s how it works. But we know he doesn’t believe in democracy.

    6. Translation: I know I’m gonna lose… so I’m already setting it up to make it easy for my base to believe she cheated… so they’ll get mad and continue sending me their hard earned money.

    7. Dr_Middlefinger on

      Prove it, Fuckface.

      That’s right, you don’t ever have any evidence that people are conspiring against you.

      However, there is a lot of evidence of you lying and being involved with Russia.

      You are a traitor and a liar, among so many other things.

      Go fuck yourself, Donald Trump.


      **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration-card)**

      **Contact ELECTION PROTECTION and/or CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION if you encounter voting issues at any point.**

      **[Election Protection](https://866ourvote.org)**

      **[Civil Rights Division](https://civilrights.justice.gov/report)**

      **[National Election Assistance Commission](https://www.eac.gov)**

    8. Some of his posts you look at it and know that he absolutely didn’t write it. No chance.


      I’m grateful to Germany for the term schadenfreude so I can put a label on how I’m feeling.

    9. AncientScratch1670 on

      “They’ve got people voting!”

      The man-child is coming to terms with his second L in a row.

    10. dragonfliesloveme on

      No one should be allowed what, to vote for Harris?

      uh kinda seems like if there’s anyone we shouldn’t be allowed to vote for, it’s the guy that doesn’t want people voting. Well not just that guy, the whole republican party is all about suppressing the vote.

    11. pine-cone-sundae on

      Trump has probably only had to deal with not getting his heart’s desire a few times in his life- once in 2020, another possibility this year. He just can’t process the fact someone might not think he’s the center of the universe, the best thing since sliced bread, the man most entitled to grab your pussy.

      I have a feeling Barron is going to be a real monster.

    12. dragonfliesloveme on

      Cease reading your (trump’s) bullshit posts and assist Kamala in winning? ok! will do! 😁

    13. Speakinmymind96 on

      This is some serious kindergarten playground nonsense! Trump needs a diaper change and a little nap on his mat.

    14. He already placed 70 loyalists in swing states. Get ready to witness a shitshow if he loses and the states have to certify the votes.

    15. Uhh, voting hasn’t begun. That’s why he isn’t seeing anything Ike it. Thanks, Republicans. We have to keep hearing this BS until he’s either behind bars or stops breathing.

    16. decayed-whately on

      > NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED [end of message]

      He’s not all there. Covfefe II.

      It sounds like he thinks the election is underway right now.

    17. “Letting people vote for the opposition is illegal!”

      Yes thats exactly how the Govts of Russia, N Korea and China work….

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