Women only parking in Germany

    by peter-bone


    1. In this region 10% of underground parking spaces must be reserved for women by law. In the Brandenburg region it is 30%. These spaces are closer to exits, better lit and have more video surveilance to make women feel safer. Controversialy, the spaces are often larger to help with maneuvering children in and out.

    2. It’s opportunities like this that make me grateful that many can’t identify what a woman is. So, I’ll just park there. When I park, I identify as a woman. As soon as I leave the parking spot, I then identify as a man. Thank goodness for fluidity. /s. (Yes folks, I’m kidding)

    3. Germans are of course known to be very law-abiding citizens, but are these laws actually being enforced?

      Edit: not sure about the downvoting, it’s a fair question isn’t? In fact, from a legal point of view, it would be a very interesting casus. Also, there’s no consensus on the answer, lol

    4. We have this in Croatia also. It’s amazing.
      Spot is a bit wider, so if woman is with kids, she have enough space to open doors, and take kids.
      Spot is always close to entrance/exit with more lights, to make them feel safer.

      If you are kid I can understand why you can get triggered, man would never be.

    5. Inside_Resolution526 on

      watch a gender identity person use it “what? guys might want to have their way with me… i need to be safe” smh

    6. Korea also have pink painted parking space reserved for women but not mandatory. (So everybody just park there regardless of genders.)

    7. It’s mostly in dark parking garages close to the exit/entrance so women don’t have to walk to the other and and get robbed or worse.
      Sometimes also close to supermarket entrance since some women have children.

      But it is not forbidden for a man to park there because otherwise you would discriminate males, and we are all equal no matter the gender, Article 3 of the Grundgesetz for the Federal Republic of Germany.

    8. That is quite possibly the worst spot to put it.
      All the paint will be gone off that pillar by next week.

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