Overgeneralizing and modifying facts to fit your narrative when there’s far better points: the internet’s favorite past time




      Love it when people arguing for the arguably correct side discredits themselves by making shit up.

      There’s far better topics when discussing Japanese imperialism, postwar nationalism, and atrocity denial. Yasukuni shrine meanwhile, is an independent religious entity that independently determined that the war criminals charged after the war fit the requirements to be enshrined among over 2 million other war dead.

      Edit: because people don’t read the title, I’m not defending the inclusion of war criminals in the book of the dead in the Yasukuni shrine. Instead, I’m pointing out the large amount of misinformation around the shrine.

    2. Suicidal_Sayori on

      yeah thats like saying the Vietnam or Holocaust Memorials worship child rapists because maybe one or two of the thousands of fallen might have molested a little girl with noone ever knowing, for example

    3. Figthing_Hussar on

      I would like to see how you would react if Germany had a memorial (or a shrine of sorts) for all it’s war heroes dating back to German unification

    4. AbsolutelyHorrendous on

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but surely the vast majority of Japan’s war dead from the Meiji Era onwards were involved in WW2, and the invasions of places like Korea and China?

    5. “Why my Korean father, forcibly conscripted by Imperial Japan and killed, is still on the shrine?”

      “It’s for their voluntary defense of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. We’re honoring them and what’s the problem?”

    6. Idc what yall think, but for a community based on making funny history memes, wouldn’t CONTEXT be the first thing to keep in mind bruhs?

      Anyways, thx for this fragment of information op.

    7. The particular shrine they’re referring to inters the Japanese war criminals from WWII as well as the regular soldiers. It is unique in that there are plenty of shrines that inter just the ones who haven’t committed crimes against humanity. The very same shrine is host to a yearly ultra nationalist event where Japanese racists gather to complain about foreigners. One of the few genuinely unsafe events in Japan for foreigners.

    8. Also, look at the list of christian saints sometimes and read the list of deeds of some of them.

    9. ConstantineByzantium on

      try telling that to comfort women all over the world and let’s not forget horrific human experiment they did.

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