I genuinely do not understand this arguement.

    by Bitter-Gur-4613


    1. RepulsiveLoquat418 on

      the only way someone could be defending the dad is if they have absolutely zero knowledge of the details of this tragedy. in which case, maybe keep your mouth shut.

    2. Nope he is guilty as fuck, he knew his son was troubled, lock him the fuck up or better yet do what his former father-in-law suggested, give him the death penalty

    3. Annual-Consequence43 on

      I think the conversation about school shootings is a lot bigger than “how did they get the gun”, but most people aren’t ready to hear it.

    4. It’s an argument from self interest and indifference about how those self interests affect others.

    5. Even IF there had not been a warning about that child. If you choose to gift your 14 year old a gun, than you are responsible for WHATEVER they do with it.

    6. I just want yall to know, Michigan definitely set this trend. Shout out to Big Gretch! Let’s be real, if a bartender can be charged for over serving a patron who kills someone driving, then a parent who bought their kid a gun should be charged for the murders their child committed with said gun. 

    7. LiberateMeFromYou on

      You give an unstable child a gun?A child does NOT need a firearm and I’m pro 2A. His dad needs to be serving time as well.

    8. Anyone who doesn’t secure their firearm ought to be held liable for whatever is done with it.

    9. Comfortable-Bad1032 on

      The guy should get locked up in my opinion cos there’s just a mad level of negligence but to those chatting about death penalty and what not, do laws only apply the way you want them to?

      Maybe not everyone here is a liberal but that one thing I hate about that “peace” attitude. As soon as you feel vindicated in judging, you ALWAYS go extra hard.

      About death penalty 😂😂😂

    10. Son, there’s only 1 way to protect yourself from the government. Here’s an AR15. Now don’t go shooting your classmates.


    11. Finally_doing_this on

      If this kid was Middle Eastern this would be an entirely different conversation… The dad, the entire family, friends, associates would be getting locked up w/o question.

      The father should absolutely do life in jail without question…

      Certain ppl on this country keep expecting immunity for their crimes b/c of the color of their skin🤬🤬🤬🤬

    12. Tiny_Philosopher_779 on

      Parents will start paying closer attention to their kids if there is a risk of them going to jail too. Well deserved. Be a better parent.

    13. Minors, even the most mature and responsible ones, are presumed to lack the capacity to make major decisions.

      That’s why they are not legally permitted to vote, marry, apply for credit cards, smoke, drink, or have sex under most circumstances.

      Adult guardians of minors are responsible for them. That includes people acting in the place of parents, such as school teachers, for the hours the minors are away from home.

      So if a kid goes to a friend’s house, and the friend’s mom gives the kid alcohol, she is responsible for the harm done to the child.

      If she then gives the drunk kid her car keys, and he plows through a bunch of pedestrians, she shares responsibility.

      In this case, the kid came from a violent home life, and hadn’t been in school. His mother had a serious drug problem and was in jail. The kid was known to have had mental health issues for more than a year, and was also known to have a preoccupation with school shootings, particularly Adam Lanza, whose mental health issues were also met with a family member buying him guns and training him how to use guns.

      If you buy a lethal weapon for a person fascinated with school shootings, you are letting him know what you want him to do. But if that person is a minor under your responsibility, you are harming the child as well.

    14. Life is kinda extreme as he will cost us tax payers hundreds of thousands

      Kinda wish capital punishment could happen here

      Dude deserves it

    15. Petal2daMetalll on

      Throw the mom in there too. She knew he was going to do it and instead of calling Swat on his ass, she drove 3 hrs to talk him out of it. 3hrs too late. His aunt and grandma are defending him on facebook. Look they asses all up. I hope the victims sue them civilly too!

    16. I don’t know what charge he’s actually getting, but I don’t believe *anyone* deserves life without parole if that’s what he’s getting

      So by default, no he doesn’t deserve *that*

      He does deserve serious punishment. Gross negligence is a standard used for manslaughter, and this is extremely gross negligence to me.

      So it definitely sounds like he’s committed manslaughter several times over to me

    17. So if I buy my kid a car for his birthday and he kills someone with it, I get life?

      What about a pocket knife? Baseball bat? Where exactly does this stop?

    18. Hey 🤷🏾‍♂️.. of course the parents gota go too.. can’t have them making more kids like this.

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