Earplug disk. East Java (Majapahit period), Indonesia, 14th-15th century. [4096×2302]

    by MiserablePrince

    1 Comment

    1. MiserablePrince on

      Currently at the [Victoria and Albert Museum](https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O81139/earplug-disk-earplug-disk-unknown/) (Diameter: 3in).

      > Disc of this type were worn as earplug ornaments by the elite women of the kingdom of Majapahit, in east Java. It is constructed in two parts with openwork designs worked on both sides in repousse, with details engraved and chased. The front has at the centre of its design a ruby set in four claws, with demonic “atlas” figures in the surround. On the reverse the centre has a twelve-spoked wheel, with a design of goats in foliage in the encircling niches.

      Note: These are not earplugs meant for plugging the ear holes, but rather [jewelry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plug_(jewellery)). Here is another [example](https://imgur.com/a/wz8LExM) of earplugs from the Majapahit period. For the same type of jewelry from an earlier period, look at my [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/1euoqmy/pair_of_earplugs_ornamented_with_figures_and/).

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