Freaky stuff, fr fr

    by xheartgiddyx


    1. Fuck, it gets worse in the UK. I just get seen by a GP and a haematologist, then I get free chemo medication due to leukaemia. I don’t even need to think about finances, just, so awful!!! Oh no!!! I wish I could be deep in crippling debt due to my Philadelphia Mutation and just be forced to ration chemo meds so I can line the poor impoverished pockets of the CEO of a pharmaceutical company like the US does.

    2. Oh noes Socialized Healthcare is so difficult that only every single first world country on the planet has figured it out except for one.

    3. Okay, so I don’t know who would be a reputable source, so I’m asking here.

      What country are you from, and what’s the typical situation of getting non-emergency surgery? For example:

      I’m from the US. Depending on the insurance and surgery (assuming there wouldn’t be delays due to getting medical clearance,) the time from initial appointment to surgical appointment can take 2-8 months

      Thanks in advance!

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