Male Simulator 3000

    by Drsafeeer


    1. If you’re staring and stopping that much you may have some prostate issues. Once the stream starts it should keep on going.

    2. Any reason why didn’t they do it indoors with a toilet? That pan splashes more than a standard toilet bowl.

    3. don’t worry, mens can’t aim either… I’m doing my stuff while sitting so no misshots but I live together with other adults who does it while standing and I can see their missed marks many times…

    4. Bobsmyuncletoohaha on

      To be fair, most of you guys have had decades to perfect the process. Yet some still suck at it.

    5. Low_Pomegranate_9984 on

      My ex once asked me if she could hold my d*** while I was peeing. Thank f*ck it was outside, because the piss went everywhere. That day she learned the struggle.

    6. When you have over 30 years of experience you can do just about anything, ~~including~~ especially sniping. On some rare occasions, you can even make your pee split into two directions

    7. If his piss randomly changes pressure that frequently he definitely needs a doctor. It does not just do that

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