The current situation

    by The-Celebrimbor


    1. For lack of anything better, you must choose something. Doesn’t quite feel 100% democracy.

    2. Helldiver_of_Mars on

      We have numerous to choose from. No one has the money to be on every ballot in every state tho.

    3. AltAccouJustForThis on

      When your country has multiple parties but in reality it’s only two. The party that ruins the country and has been in powet for 14 years, and the opposition which does nothing.

    4. Unfortunately this is prevented by the nature of reality, where the alternative parties, despite having some positions that are probably better than the big 2, simply won’t get enough votes to beat either of the big 2. But because of the way the voting system works in the US, a vote for a smaller party candidate is a -1 vote for the most ideologically similar big candidate, and should your ideologically closer big candidate lose, you’re essentially partly responsible.

      Now if Preferential Voting existed in the US like it does in Australia…

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