Freaknik and whatnot

    by Head-Selection-1415


    1. Kamala consented to sex with other CONSENTING ADULTS.

      The way weirdos twist themselves into voting for a self-avowed sexual assaulter, credibly accused serial rapist, pedo friend and long-time client of Epstein, and an adjucated rapist.

    2. Shit crazy she supposedly a 304 but her opp got HELLA SHIT IN HIS CLOSET WITH RECEIPTS 🧾💀💀💀.

    3. I’m white (33m), but I’d just like to say that hoes are the most beautiful things in this world. I’m a hoe, I’ve slept with probably close to 30 women. This is not a brag, it’s just stating a fact. I’ve been happily married for 7 years and I don’t have an itch. These 30 women were the most giving, fantastic and beautiful women (besides my wife) and when I see people trashing women purely for having a body count I get pissed. Bro these women are giving you something we all want in our adolescence, fucking sex. You’re gonna hate on these girls who let you experience that!?! Kamala might have been a hoe, or might have kept that shit tighter then a juice box, either way, she gave it up to dudes she trusted to be gentle and treat her well, nothing wrong with that even if they turned out to be shitbags that would later throw out all thier dirt. Fuck anyone who would treat a woman like she’s anything less for giving a part of herself to dudes she trusted. IMHO.
      Edit: autocorrect is a bitch

    4. East-Bluejay6891 on

      BREAKING NEWS: Grown adult woman has consensual sex and doesn’t have a sextape or onlyfans.

      RED FLAG!!!!!

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