A fox who grew up with a dog and tries to bark

    by No_Emu_1332


    1. Ooh_its_a_lady on

      “See the way you’re doin it is once, you gotta hit em with multiple at a time. Like back bark!”

    2. This is what it’s like to be autistic. We’re drop dead gorgeous but we shock and disturb everyone with our uncanny imitations of social behavior.

    3. Apprehensive_Diver46 on

      This sound in the quiet darkness of night sounds tribute like a screaming child or woman in danger.

    4. So my 3 yo came into our room unexpectedly at 4am last week. 3 of our dogs barked at him for just a second because he literally never does this and they sounded the alarm hearing something open the door (good puppers). Scared the hell out of him..all I can think of is him hearing this at 3am. Pure toddler nightmare fuel. I don’t think he would ever even try going up the stairs again if this is what happened.

    5. King Arthur: Ni!

      King Arthur’s Man: Nu!

      King Arthur: No, no, it’s not that. It’s ni.

      King Arthur’s Man: Nuu!

      King Arthur: No, you are not doing it properly. Ni

      King Arthur’s Man: Nuu!

    6. The fox isn’t truly mimicking the dog. This is literally how foxes sound.

      Source: I formed a friendly relationship with a wild fox and his wife for about 5 years.

    7. OMG THANK YOU! I hear this sound *constantly* at night on RDR2 and I’ve never known what animal makes it!

    8. Wow great. I’m imagining the asshole neighbor’s asshole all night idiot barking dog, with a fox companion following it in harmony.

    9. randomnumber788976 on

      Foxes can make some terrifying noises you dont want to hear when you 12 years old taking a shortcut through the grave yard to beat the curfew i didn’t figure out what the fuck it was until i heard it again a few years later

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