Aliens are real

    by ldoaslwish


    1. liminal_liminality on

      Makes you wonder who actually came up with that ancient aliens stuff..

      Wait, you’re telling me it was some Swiss fiction author that served time for fraud and embezzlement?

    2. The creatures with the technology to travel through the galaxy to our planet were able to… checks notes… stack rocks into a pyramid shape

    3. Pyramids and especially Stonehenge were made by the top half but monopolizes like 90% of the alien theories

    4. 🤷 if the aliens had to fly here in space ships, first, they were clearly more advanced tho.

    5. Clean_Perception_235 on

      If stacking a bunch of blocks into a pyramid shape was an alien amount of intellegence why was I able to do it at the age of 2?

    6. Secure_Focus_2754 on

      In all fairness, in later seasons after running out of cool stuff built by non-white people, they have started blameing absolutely everything on aliens.

    7. Stonehenge, tho.

      People who made it were probably fairly white and yet History Channel claims it could’ve been aliens

      They also claimed that the British royal family could be decent of aliens once… under the pretext that “what if Odin’s 8 legged horse was actually a spaceship with 8 propulsors?”

      I swear, those guys are a nightmare

    8. Cosmic_Meditator777 on

      the actual reason is because the construction of European architectural wonders was simply better documented. this is why stonehenge gets a pass, for example.

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