Mother of Georgia shooter tried warning the school 30 minutes prior to the shooting.

    by dimforest


    1. No money for mental health counselling, but pretty sweet looking athletic facilities.
      Great seeing those priorities in place

    2. Imaginary_You2814 on

      There are always signs. This is horrific negligence on both the parents and the school. It’s ok to say, I think my kid is a psychopath.

    3. Awful. Survivors and the bereaved should sue the school and that counselor. Thirty minutes warning and what did they do with the time?

    4. Hey, crazy idea… if you’re worried enough to warn counselors, how about removing the kid’s guns?

    5. Original-Move8786 on

      Please stop this right now. As a teacher who has to deal with all of these drills, threats, regrets, second guessing every day. You are all playing a very dangerous guessing game. There is no way any one school personnel or teacher could have guessed within 20 minutes of a random phone call (if it is even true) that a school shooting would happen. The drive to assign blame for a horrible incident is understandable. Somebody must be held responsible is such a high drive in our society. But the fact is that anyone who works in a school knows that the reality is that there is no easy answer and that schools are severely hampered by privacy laws. As well as the laws that do not let schools truely deal with dangerous students.

    6. carolineecouture on

      The more I read about this, the more heartbreaking it becomes. Those poor people. I hope they find peace. After nothing was fixed after Sandy Hook, I have to say I gave up on any change. If that couldn’t move the needle, I don’t think anything could.

    7. This isn’t good for the mommy party vs. daddy party narrative of the GOP.

      Dad gave him the gun. Mom tried to warn them.

      Maybe listen try listening to the adult in the room saying more guns isn’t the solution.

    8. Sounds like family members were worried for months, not sure how that dad can rationalize buying that kit that weapon. Father is just as guilty.

    9. I don’t understand. There have been several threats a my sons middle school and they are always taken very seriously and parents are notified immediately. It has happened like 2-3 times at my kids school and every time it does a mass notification is sent to parents and there is a very noticeable added police presence at school that day.

      Like it’s bad enough that we have to deal with this shit but you are telling me in the south these mother fuckers don’t even do the bare minimum to prevent this shit then throw up their hands and say “Welp what can you do?” when it does…fucking sickening.

      Glad I live in a state that at least attempts to do something about gun violence.

    10. So the dad buys the gun. The mom tries like hell to stop it. And The NY Post writes an article about a broken home with a drug addict mom. Could have literally been written by Vance. I hate these people always trying to take women down.

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