Dentist fall asleep, comedian wakes him up jarring

    by maxcomedian


    1. YourGermanMilf on

      After this I will do everything to stay awake during a comedian show🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. I enjoyed it. I know it’s goofy, but you gotta do what you can. Definitely funnier than I’d have been on the spot and got your crowd going.

    3. I have seen two of his clips and laughed both times. I will be looking him up, he is pretty funny.

    4. Prior-Present-7764 on

      That was pleasant. Little swearing, only a slight innuendo. Fun exchange. I enjoyed that.

    5. Fredospapopoullos on

      I’ve always thought of dentists as doctors, if you need (real) medical knowledge, if you can destroy lives by making small mistakes, if you use medical tools and if your actions actually heal/alleviate/treat afflictions, you’re a doctor.

    6. ahorseofborscht on

      Oh wonderful, another video of a comedian doing crowd work to promote their act. This trend makes going to an actual comedy show worse because now the audience is conditioned to just shout out to the comic whenever they want in hopes of engineering a moment like this, and the comedians themselves don’t have good material for the act because crowd work is all they’re hyping up to build more clips like this.

    7. Had this happen at a Daniel Sloss show. He handled it very different, and hilariously tho’. Fucking A grade comedian.

    8. MashedPotatoesDick on

      I think I found the difference between a dentist and a chiropractor. The dentist will correct someone if they are referred to as a doctor.

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