
    by ShadEShadauX


    1. Remember kids – If you think you’re gonna lose, just say the game is rigged beforehand so when you do lose you said it was rigged so the win doesn’t count!

    2. Trump is not shy about taking people to court – what’s stopping him this time besides reality?

    3. lunchSpecial_number8 on


      Blunder Twins ACTIVATE!
      Form of turd!
      Shape of a diaper!

    4. Trumpers blame all losses on cheaters even if they are the ones cheating, my son in law blamed the titans loss to the bears today was because the bears cheated. They just cannot accept that maybe it’s because of incompetence on their side.


      Lara Trump: “Umm, we did? It’s how you’re out on bail right now.”

    6. The perfect response from the Harris campaign would be: “you mean like the 11,000 fraudulent ballots you wanted in Georgia?”

    7. Everybody is voting for Harris. Good people – the best people – all of them are voting for Harris. The whole country is going to make her president in November.

    8. Greedy-Bookkeeper460 on

      I like how he said “RNC must activate” like Cpt Rogers says, “Avengers, Assemble!”

    9. Simple. Who the hell is this expert? And what is this based on? Any actual evidence?

      The answers to those questions will answer the “where’s the investigation” question quite handily. The same way it did with all of Mike Pillow’s alleged reports that all turned out to be bullshit.

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