Grandpa knows what’s up

    by StormbreakkEER


    1. I’m not sure that helmet is gonna be enough, lmao. That red hot glow had me nervous. Dood is insane, but in a good way.

    2. Nice jet powered go kart! Saw something similar using the same jet engine design back in the day on Junkyard Wars.

    3. xx_charlierose on

      It’s impressive to see what people on Earth can achieve without using magic. I have been monitoring this person’s progress for a while now, and I have been putting a lot of effort into figuring out how to integrate a pulse jet into one of my broom models – or into one of my new FPV drone brooms designed for targeting mana potion tankers – ever since witnessing these remarkable outcomes. Robert Maddox is an artisan who is stuck in a world lacking magic, so he has crafted his own magic using plumbing materials.

    4. Utimate_Eminant on

      F1 drivers in the 50/60s used to smash into a wall at 200km/h and the race would continue as if nothing happened. I don’t understand the adrenaline for speed but I think they have the same spirits as crazy Santa here.

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